Section: Application Domains

Model-Checking of Collaborative Systems

Collaborative systems consitute a class of distributed systems where real human interactions are predominant. In these systems, users at geographically distributed sites interact by simultaneously manipulating shared objects like, text documents, XML trees, filesystems, etc. To improve data availablity, the shared objects are replicated so that the users update their local replicas and exchange their updates between them. One of the main challenges here is how to ensure the data consistency when the updates are executed in arbitrary orders at different replicas. Operational Transformation (OT) is an optimistic technique which has been proposed to overcome the consistency problem. This technique consists of an application-dependent protocol to enforce the out-of-order execution of updates even though these updates do not naturally commute. The data consistency relies crucially on the correctness of OT protocols whose proof is extremely hard. Indeed, possibly infinitely many cases should be tested. Our research work aims at applying symbolic model-checking techniques to automatically verify OT protocols. Most importantly, we are interested in finding under which conditions the model-checking problem can be reduced to a finite-state model.